What is Potassium and What are its Benefits
An overview of Potassium
Potassium is a mineral that the human body needs to function properly, as it contributes to nerve functions, helps muscle contraction, and plays a role in transporting nutrients into cells and excreting waste from them, in addition to that it contributes to It is worth noting that the body cannot produce potassium on its own, and therefore it is important to eat adequate and balanced amounts from its sources, as consuming very small amounts of potassium may lead to serious health problems, while Excessive use may cause health problems as well.
Sources of Potassium
Potassium is found in many food sources, such as leafy vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, squash, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, and legumes, and it is also found in dairy products, nuts, chicken, and meat.
General Benefits of Potassium
A higher intake of potassium helps obtain many health benefits, such as reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Increased bone mineral density, when increased potassium intake from vegetables and fruits. Reducing high blood pressure, by excreting excess sodium from the body in the urine. Help reduce heart problems, which are caused by high blood pressure, by relaxing the walls of blood vessels when they are tight or stiff. Maintaining healthy muscles and nerves, in addition to maintaining their good functioning.
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